Angela Franks

Partner | Head of Australia


Angela is a partner based in our Sydney office, where she leads the Australian team of HR and HSE recruiters. Angela is focused on delivering senior HR assignments across all sectors and HR specialisms including generalist HR, talent, reward, recruitment, learning and development, and org development. Angela joined Frazer Jones in 2019, with a wealth of experience recruiting across the HR industry in both Australia and the UK. Angela has a bachelor of commerce with a major in international industrial relations and has been in the HR recruitment industry since 2005.

ANGELA’s Insights

  • HR

Webinar recording: Vicarious trauma when interacting with colleagues in crisis.

  • Posted May 23, 2024
We are delighted to share our recap for the webinar “Vicarious trauma when interacting with colleagues in crisis – What HR needs to know!” Recent changes to WHS/OHS regulations mean that organisations have an obligation to manage and control psychosocial hazards and risks. These new regulations recognise that hazards that pose a risk to psychological health […]
  • HR

Webinar recording: Violence Against Women – What does HR need to know?

  • Posted March 6, 2024
We are delighted to share with you our webinar recording for “Violence Against Women – What does HR need to know? In today’s world, addressing sexual harassment in the workplace isn’t just a moral imperative; it’s a legal and organisational responsibility. HR departments play a pivotal role in creating safe and supportive environments where employees […]
  • Market Insight

HR Horrors – Australian Employment Law update: Webinar recording and insights.

  • Posted October 17, 2023
We are delighted to share with you our “HR Horrors – Australian Employment Law” webinar recording and insights. On Thursday 12 October 2023, our ever-popular webinar HR Horrors returned with more nightmare-fueled cases and our regularly scheduled update on all things employment law. Hosted by Angela Franks, Partner Frazer Jones our guest speaker Cilla Robinson, Partner, […]
  • Market Insight

Event wrap-up: AI’s impact on HR in the modern workplace

  • Posted October 16, 2023
In a time of rapid AI advancement, it’s crucial to discern reality from speculation. On Wednesday 11 October 2023, Angela Franks, and the Frazer Jones Australia team, hosted an informative and fun event with guest speakers Troy Gread, from Workvergent, and Jason Portelli from Tech Pathfinder discussing how AI, instead of being an intimidating force, […]
  • Market Insight

Australian HR recruitment trends Q3 2023 (Jul – Sep)

  • Posted September 29, 2023
The Frazer Jones Australia remuneration and hiring trends look at the Australian Human Resources jobs market by tracking time to hire and salary movements across the months. We are pleased to present our insights for Q3 2023. The 2023 year-to-date salary movement trend has averaged out to 14% for roles across the board in the […]
  • Market Insight

Webinar recap: Leadership in the artificial intelligence era

  • Posted August 3, 2023
In an AI age characterised by intense disruption and rapid, ambiguous change, we need forward-thinking human-centred leaders with strong self-awareness. Integrity, empathy, vision, humility, and adaptability are all essential for today’s leaders to navigate the road through unchartered waters. In a 2022 Gartner survey, it revealed that 90% of participants believed that to succeed in […]
  • Market Insight

Australian HR recruitment trends – H1 2023 (Jan-Jun)

  • Posted July 10, 2023
The Frazer Jones Australia remuneration and hiring trends looks at the Australian HR jobs market by tracking time to hire and salary movements across the month. We are pleased to present our insights for H1 2023. At the end of 2022 there was an upward trend in salary increases at all levels with entry-level seeing […]
  • Market Insight

Australian HR recruitment trends – April to June 2023

  • Posted June 29, 2023
The Frazer Jones Australia remuneration and hiring trends looks at the Australian HR jobs market by tracking time to hire and salary movements across the month. We are pleased to present our insights for Q2 2023. We are continuing to see salary increases for junior to mid-level HR roles. We have also seen a number […]
  • International Relocation

New rules for Australia-UK working holiday visa

  • Posted June 6, 2023
Australia and the UK have agreed to put in place new arrangements under the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program and Youth Mobility Scheme following entry into force of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (Australia-UK FTA)​. The UK and Australia have agreed upon a “historic” trade deal, the British government’s first major deal since leaving […]
  • DEI

Webinar highlights: Diversity of Thought and Dyslexia at Work

  • Posted June 1, 2023
On Wednesday 24 May 2023, we were excited to host an educational and thought-provoking webinar on dyslexia in the workplace. Industry experts Shae Wissell – Principal Coach and Consultant – re:think dyslexia, Sally Close – Business and Leadership Improvement (OD) Consultant – Acronem Consulting Australia and Katrina North – Chief Inclusion Officer – Inclusion by […]
  • Market Update

Australian HR recruitment trends – April 2023

  • Posted May 15, 2023
The Frazer Jones Australia remuneration and hiring trends looks at the Australian HR jobs market by tracking time to hire and salary movements across the month. We are pleased to present our insights for April 2023. Where organisations were paying above market to attract talent, we are seeing budgets being more restrained and a softening […]
  • CV and Interview

The STAR method: The secret to acing your next job interview

  • Posted April 26, 2023
Are you good at telling stories? Do you get right to the point and include all the relevant details? Or do you tend to forget to mention key details or tend to ramble? In a job interview, you’re probably familiar with questions like “Tell me about a time when you…” or “How do you handle…..” […]
  • Market Insight

Australian Employment Law update: Webinar recording and insights.

  • Posted April 13, 2023
We are delighted to share with you our “Australian Employment Law” webinar recording and insights. On Thursday 6 April 2023, Frazer Jones hosted the webinar titled “Australian Employment Law”. Facilitated by Angela Franks, Head of Frazer Jones Australia, guest speaker Cilla Robinson, Partner, Clayton Utz, discussed new reforms and recent IR reforms to pay transparency, flexible work, […]
  • Market Insight

Australian recruitment trends – January to March 2023

  • Posted April 4, 2023
With ongoing change and volatility in the market, 2023 promises to be another challenging year for employers. Talent supply is still impacting wage growth as low unemployment and skill shortages in certain areas continue to place upward pressure on salaries. For sectors experiencing the labour market shortage, employees are more likely to bargain for pay […]
  • Market Update

Australian recruitment trends – 2022

  • Posted March 21, 2023
2022 was a challenging year for hiring, ask any manager, business owner or recruiter. We tracked time to hire and salary movements and are pleased to present our insights for HR candidates in Australia for 2022. Salary movement was a hot topic for all of 2022 and it will be interesting to see what effect […]
  • Market Insight

Psychological safety and high-performing teams: Webinar recording and recap.

  • Posted March 17, 2023
We are delighted to share with you our “Psychological safety and high-performing teams” webinar recording and insights. On Tuesday 14 March 2023, Angela Franks facilitated our webinar titled: Psychological safety and high-performing teams. With so much talk in the public domain on hybrid working 2.0, and the apparent conflict and mismanagement due to focus on the […]
  • Market Insight

HR Horrors and Australian Employment Law Update

  • Posted November 3, 2022
On Wednesday 22nd October, we welcomed back Cilla Robinson, Partner in Workplace Relations, Employment & Safety at Clayton Utz, for another edition of HR Horrors and Australian Employment Law Update. The webinar covered key updates in the employment law space such as the latest Repect@Work amendments, including the introduction of the positive duty and what […]
  • HSE

Australia: Key amendments to the model WHS Act and what you need to know

  • Posted July 22, 2022
Safe Work Australia has announced amendments to the model WHS laws. On 6 June 2022, the national Model WHS Laws were amended to consider a wide range of matters, including recommendations from Marie Boland’s independent review of the laws in 2018. These amendments to the model WHS laws reflect an agreement reached by the Ministers […]
  • Hiring advice

What does flexibility really mean?

  • Posted August 30, 2021
This is a tricky but necessary topic. It pops up everywhere we go. Client meetings, social dinners, it’s always in the conversation but it feels like it’s been talked about to death…or maybe just for the HR community. You can’t talk about attraction, retention or leadership without it coming up. It’s the common thread every […]
  • Market Insight

HR and HSE salary guide and market trends report 2021: Australia

  • Posted July 30, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020/21 was unprecedented in modern times, reaching every corner of the globe. The social and economic impacts were without parallel. What sets this crisis apart from previous global crises is that, fundamentally, the COVID‐19 crisis was a human one, making human resource (HR) leaders central in enabling organisations to manage through […]
  • Global Impact Series

International Women’s Day 2020: interview with Angela Franks

  • Posted March 13, 2020
We proud to be supporting International Women’s Day 2020. International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Whilst we all know that gender parity within the workplace has improved over the past decades, we all also know that there is still a long way to go. We interviewed our very own Angela Franks, […]