60 seconds with a rising star – Adelina Pacuku at PKF O’Connor Davies

Author Brad Law
July 25, 2023

In our most recent edition of “60 seconds with a rising star” we interview Adelina Pacuku, Senior Human Resources Coordinator at PKF O’Connor Davies.

How would your friends describe you?

Caring, hard working and practical

Why did you choose a career in HR?

I chose HR as my career because I truly enjoy helping people. Being a part of the Human Resources team gives me the ability to help people fulfill their full potential and be successful in their role. This in turn, helps promote and retain top performers. HR plays an integral role of any corporate ecosystem and is the anchor for all organizations. From attracting and retaining talented candidates, continuously improving the organization, cultivating a work environment that people feel comfortable, safe and motivated everyday.

What advice would you provide to graduates thinking about entering a career in HR?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get involved wherever you can! HR isn’t always black and white, many times we work in the gray area. Having a mentor at work who you can shadow will help you progress professionally. HR is so broad and by exposing yourself to as much as you can it will help you narrow down your niche. Working with people everyday can be challenging and yet so rewarding, it is important you remain confidential, take great notes, and be a good listener.

When thinking about future of the workforce, post-pandemic, what skills do you feel HR need now more than ever?

Be empathetic and think strategically. The workforce post-pandemic is a whole different world. It is important for us, as HR professionals, to be able to empathize with what someone is going through and provide any resources the organization has available in order to help them. Strategic thinking is critical to remain current and competitive with the market. Many workplaces have implemented a hybrid work model and by understanding the effects this has on employees, we can continue to promote a happy work environment.

After a big day at work, how do you most enjoy winding down?

Relaxing! Whether its reading a book or going for a walk, I most look forward to recharging after a stressful day at work.

Please note that all commentary and opinions provided are those of the individual, and not the organization/company.

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