How to transition from a full-time to interim human resources (HR) position?

May 1, 2024

Stepping into an interim HR position from a traditional full-time HR role can be an exhilarating yet daunting prospect, with many positive opportunities for growth and professional fulfilment – and many HR departments are exploring interim hires.

However, this transition demands more than just enthusiasm and a career move can always be a daunting experience —it requires strategic planning, a ton of networking and a comprehensive understanding of interim space. Here’s a detailed roadmap to help you navigate this career shift with confidence and success.

Assess Your Skills, Experience, and Ambitions

Start by thoroughly assessing your skills, asses your experiences and also your career goals. Take time to contemplate your accomplishments, strengths and areas where you would like to grow within your HR career. Assess your readiness to tackle the challenges that you may encounter in an interim HR position and the uncertainties that it can bring, versus a fulltime position. This self-reflection lays the groundwork for planning your next steps.

Build and grow your network

Networking is crucial in the interim landscape. Our best advice is to make the most of your current professional network and always look out for exciting networking opportunities. Meeting and learning from current HR leaders can be extremely beneficial to your own learning and development, and we recommend attending industry events where you can speak with HR professionals across different sectors to broaden your network. Talk with thought leaders and potential clients both online and offline and this will boost your visibility in the HR field and open up great opportunities for your future interim career.

Define your USP and specialisation

Standing out from the crowd in the competitive landscape of interim HR can be tricky, and really understanding what your individual USP is a key selling point. Define what makes you different and highlight the skills you bring to the table. Another option to consider is to specialise in a niche area of HR such as talent acquisition management, employment engagement, DEI or organisational development. Directing your focus of effort to positioning yourself as an authoritative leader within a specific HR domain, allows you to attract clients seeking specialised expertise within an interim position.

Cultivate a strong personal brand

Your personal brand is you, and creating the best, compelling persona of you is super important. Your narrative communicates your professional identity, your unique offerings and your values. You can start with the basics, such as developing a strong online presence through social media outlets like LinkedIn – acting as a predominant player. By showcasing your expertise through thought leadership pieces, case studies, client testimonials and beyond you can make a good imprint on the online HR network. Having a strong personal brand not only enhances your credibility, but also distils trust and confidence among prospective clients.

Experience and expertise

Before stepping into an interim role, it’s beneficial to seek opportunities that broaden your expertise. Gaining practical experience across various sectors and practices will make the transition smoother. You can achieve this by taking on short-term projects or freelancing alongside your current job, both of which will help build your portfolio. Additionally, continuous learning and professional development are essential to stay updated with the latest HR technology, emerging trends, and best practices. Seeking mentorship from a stakeholder or an experienced HR professional can also provide valuable guidance as you navigate the complexities of interim work.

Agility and adaptability

The interim HR world can be fast paced – and having good agility and adaptability are indispensable traits. Being prepared to adapt and respond swiftly to the evolving needs and challenges of your clients are detrimental to your success. Cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience in the face of uncertainty. Adopt a mindset that thrives on continuous improvement and resilience, especially when facing uncertainty. And although not always easy, view feedback and constructive criticism as a chance to grow and refine your skills, and never take it to heart. By staying agile and adaptable, you’ll establish yourself as a trusted professional, ready to provide timely and impactful solutions to your clients’ most urgent HR challenges.

What roles can I take on?

You can take on any role – roles on an interim capacity and not limited and you are able to join a HR team on roles such as Head of HR, Interim HR Manager, HR Business Partner, HR Director and more. Taking an interim role can help to progress your HR career, as you will be exposed and brought into a business to help support on a specific HR project, cover a staff absence or to meet and support on specific business needs, where you will be expected to hit the ground running.

Transitioning from a full-time HR position to interim HR is a multifaceted endeavour that demands careful planning, strategic networking and a commitment to continuous growth and learning. By assessing your skills, building a robust network, defining your niche, cultivating a strong personal brand, gaining practical experience and embracing agility, you can navigate this transition with confidence and pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling career as an interim HR consultant. With determination, perseverance and a passion for driving positive change, the possibilities are limitless.

If you would like to discuss the contents of this article in further detail, speak to one of our HR experts who will be happy to discuss our interim offering, or help support in finding your next interim professional. to join your team. Alternatively, reach out to a member of our permanent recruitment team if you’re seeking a permanent HR role and want advice on securing a full-time position.

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