Sie möchten Ihren HRIS Lifecycle optimieren oder transformieren? Wir sind ein bewährter Partner mit ausgeprägten Kenntnissen rund um HR Systeme und HR Analytics.

Mehr zu HRIS Recruitment

Personelle Unterstützung für die Konzeption, Implementierung und den Support von HR Systemen

Mit unserem Team aus Expert*innen für die Suche nach HRIS Professionals unterstützen wir Sie bei der Besetzung in dieser schnelllebigen Nische. 

Wir unterstützen unsere Partner in allen Phasen des Lifecycle von HR Systemen, einschließlich strategischer Elemente, Systemimplementierungen und -upgrades sowie und Support dieser Prozesse. 

Für jede dieser Phasen stellen wir HRIS Professionals auf allen Leveln ein. Dazu bieten wir eine Reihe von Recruitmentservices an – Executive Search, Direktvermittlung oder Interim Solutions. 

Für alle gängigen HR IT Lösungen platzieren wir HR System Analysts, Professionals für Applicant Tracking System (ATS), Human Capital Management (HCM), Business Analysts, HR Services Manager, eLearning-Berater*innen, HR Operations Manager oder Global Heads of HR Systems. 


Zu den Vorteilen einer Zusammenarbeit mit uns gehören:

Unsere globale Reichweite

Mit 13 internationalen Standorten auf vier Kontinenten stehen wir für internationales Learning and Development Recruitment mit regionaler Expertise.

Unsere Kandidatennetzwerke

Unsere Zusammenarbeit bietet Ihnen einen Zugang zu unserem Netzwerk von herausragenden HRIS Professionals, das wir durch HR Veranstaltungen, Networking und der Veröffentlichung wertvoller HR Insights aufgebaut haben.

Unsere Reputation

Seit über 25 Jahren besetzen wir HR Positionen aller Spezialisierungen und Level auf der ganzen Welt – unsere einzigartige Erfolgsbilanz spricht für sich.

Unser flexibler, kooperativer Ansatz

Unser Prozess basiert auf Kooperation, um genau Ihre Erwartungen und Anforderungen an eine Zusammenarbeit genau zu verstehen. Wir lassen nichts unversucht, um das richtige HRIS Talent für Sie zu finden. 

Ein einzigartiger Talentpool

In der Regel sind besonders gute Kandidat*innen nicht aktiv auf Jobsuche. Unser einzigartiges Netzwerk, unsere HR Datenbank sowie spezialisierte Recruitingtools ermöglichen es uns, die richtige Person für Sie zu finden – und nicht nur die, die gerade verfügbar ist.

Unser Einsatz für Diversity

Wir engagieren uns für das Empowerment unserer Mitarbeitenden und die Gestaltung vielfältiger Arbeitsplätze – etwas, von dem wir wissen, dass es für alle unsere Kandidat*innen wichtig ist.

Wir rekrutieren für Unternehmen jeder Größe – von Start-Ups und Scale-ups bis hin zu multinationalen Konzernen. 

Unsere Kandidat*innen sind auf alle HR Systeme spezialisiert, einschließlich Workday, SAP (SuccessFactors), Oracle (Fusion), PeopleSoft, CoreHR, iTrent, SelectHR, Cornerstone, Fairsail, Ceridian, Resourcelink, ADP, Taleo, Brassring, Sumtotal – und viele mehr. 

Unser Team

HR Insights

  • Markteinblicke

Skills-based recruitment on the rise, high demand in specialist areas but a decline in DEI roles: Frazer Jones Pulse Q2 2024

  • Posted Juli 23, 2024
Global vacancies This data shows how the number of roles has changed by specialism compared to the last quarter. “Global hiring priorities present a mixed picture. Employee relations roles are in higher demand across North America, Europe and Australia. Reward positions show strong activity in most markets and payroll roles have increased globally, driven by […]
  • Karriereberatung

Could mentoring be the cost-effective talent accelerator and attractor you and your organization are missing?

  • Posted Juli 4, 2024
What happens when you put together an expert on high performance and an expert on professional relationships? Well, the secret sauce people and organizations aren’t leveraging enough: mentoring. Dr Ruth Gotian is globally recognized expert in leadership development, recognized by Nature, Wall Street Journal and Columbia University and ranked as the number one emerging management […]
  • Markteinblicke

Webinar replay: Irish employment legislation 2024 – what you need to know so far

  • Posted Juli 2, 2024
Our latest webinar with Clair Schindler and Hilary O’Connor, Solicitor and Legal Consultant, focused on the Irish employment legislation changes in the first half of 2024. Why WATCH our webinar Replay? MEET THE speaker Hilary O’Connor Consultant Solicitor Hilary is a qualified and experienced mediator, who, having previously run her own business, now works in […]
  • Markteinblicke

Using data insights to drive commercial success: An interview with Stephane Mehmet

  • Posted Juni 24, 2024
We were delighted to be joined by Stephane Mehmet, Global Talent Acquisition Manager at Luno, to talk with our own Abigail Benham about the interpretation of data and the meaningful impact it has on businesses. How will it evolve? How can we utilise it? How to manage stakeholders and drive business success? In this interview, […]
  • Karriereberatung

Foster talent today for tomorrow’s business growth: an interview with Sarah Von Landsberg-Sadie

  • Posted Juni 24, 2024
We were delighted to be joined by Sarah Von Landsberg-Sadie, the Senior People and HR Leader, CPO, and Organisation Design and Development Expert at BCB Group. She spoke with our own Aseel Ibrahim about all aspects of talent development, highlighting its importance and explaining why your business should prioritise it now to avoid future setbacks. […]
  • Markteinblicke

Benchmarking your talent against competitors: Key strategies and benefits

  • Posted Juni 19, 2024
Benchmarking your talent is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. By systematically comparing your key employees with those of rival firms, you can identify strengths, address weaknesses and develop strategic initiatives to enhance overall performance. Here, we explore the importance of benchmarking from four perspectives: skill and competency analysis, career and tenure, performance metrics, compensation […]
  • Hiring Advice

The talent-to-value approach: aligning talent with business value

  • Posted Juni 11, 2024
As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and competitive landscape, getting the right talent in the most critical roles has never been more important. Traditional approaches to talent management often fall short, focusing too much on hierarchy and not enough on the roles that truly drive value. That’s where the talent-to-value approach comes in. Pioneered by […]
  • Payroll

High demand for payroll professionals in New York: over 3,000 vacancies highlighted in latest market analysis

  • Posted Juni 11, 2024
As the global Head of Payroll at Frazer Jones, I was thrilled to co-host our recent Frazer Jones Connect: Payroll event in New York City with my colleague Michael Illert, our Global Chief Client Officer and Partner. The event brought together senior managers and leaders in payroll from across the financial services sector, providing a […]
  • HR

Webinar recording: Vicarious trauma when interacting with colleagues in crisis.

  • Posted Mai 23, 2024
We are delighted to share our recap for the webinar „Vicarious trauma when interacting with colleagues in crisis – What HR needs to know!“ Recent changes to WHS/OHS regulations mean that organisations have an obligation to manage and control psychosocial hazards and risks. These new regulations recognise that hazards that pose a risk to psychological health […]
  • Hiring Advice

A quarter of UK businesses spend up to 10 hours a week just scheduling interviews­­

  • Posted Mai 23, 2024
A recent survey by Indeed revealed that time-consuming hiring processes are huge challenge for UK businesses, quickly hoovering up their budget. The survey reveals that one in four (24%) of businesses in the UK spend up to ten hours on scheduling interviews for potential candidates. According to LinkedIn, 15% of HR professionals changed jobs within the last year. […]
  • Interim

De-risking entry into business transformation

  • Posted Mai 21, 2024
During uncertain times and when resources and budgets are stretched, business transformation is often de-prioritised. But doing so can be detrimental to the future of a business. So, how do you move forward? The answer is to de-risk at each stage. Dominique Seal sat down with Lindsay Murdoch, Founder and Co-leader at Intaconsult, to talk […]
  • Karriereberatung

Living and working in London

  • Posted Mai 16, 2024
Making the move to London is an exciting prospect for your career and personal life. But navigating the move can be a challenge. Our comprehensive guide is here to help. Covering types of work, Visas, where to live, transport, the cost of living and more, it will give you all the information you need to […]

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